Save the Date! YA Informational Meeting
The Young Aviators Club is firing up activity for Middle School and High School students and anyone over 18 who is young at heart. This fall will have three main areas of focus:
- Conventional Flight – Balsa Wood Rubber Band Powered flight & Prototyping
- Bread Boarding and Micro processors
- Basic Flight Maneuvers and more with MS Flight Simulator X
Meetings will start September 11th at 2 PM right after the information meeting and will be every other Saturday afternoon from 2-5 at 2400 Industrial Lane, Broomfield. The Final Meeting this fall will be on December 18 and will include demonstrations in each of the three areas of focus.
YA Club has ordered the empennage and fastener kit for an Van’s Aircraft RV-12iS kit, which should be delivered early next year. We are looking for high school students who would like to apply for the YA Builders Group. This group will need a minimum of ten kids and a maximum of 20 for each semester of the build. It is anticipated that it will take three semesters for the students to build this airplane. Interested students must commit to work on the build for six hours per week, be at least 14 years old, and have one semester in the YA program. Interested students should contact YA for applications.
YA has four high schoolers that are taking flight lessons and working on their private pilots licenses. We will provide these members additional support throughout the fall.
Explore our website to look at the activities we have done in the past. We will also have field trips during the fall appropriate for anyone interested in aviation. We will put together a group for elementary students if we have sufficient interest.
If you have any questions or special concerns you may contact Jeff Jones by text: 303-809-3994, or email